How Do Flowers Impact Emotions

You don’t need to be a botanical scientist to know that introducing florals into a space enhances the overall mood of those within. But when you’re in the business of event planning every element is critical to success. Adding floral arrangements to reception areas, tabletop displays, centrepieces, ceiling treatments and stages are one of the most cost-effective ways to inject colour and warmth into an event. The idiom of throwing things against the wall to see what sticks does not apply to the event design arena, and therefore assumptions must give way toThere is substantial evidence that flowers will add a lot more than colour supportive evidence. For this reason we have stepped in with irrefutable insight as to how floral design rentals will heighten positive emotionsnurture a positive of response from those in attendance.

3 Reasons Why Event Planners Should Make Synthetic Flower Rentals a Part of Their Event Design

Florals Are a Proven and Powerful Positive Emotion Inducer

As mentioned above, it’s easy to assume that flowers have a positive impact on emotion, but it’s important to know that there is some serious science to back it. Compiled studies from the Department of Psychology at Rutgers-The State University, the Department of Genetics at Rutgers-The State University, and the Department of Psychology at La Salle University all emphatically concluded that flowers placed in a given space serve as positive emotion inducers. That much is expected, but the studies also confirmed that florals incite positive emotions from females and males, including those of advanced age so even if the number in attendance is skewed to favor one particular gender flowers will still contribute to success. That’s right, even an annual meeting of the proverbial old boys’ network will respond well to the introduction of colorful arrangements.

Florals Impact How People Perceive Others

It’s one thing for guests to experience an elevated mood but when it comes to engagement, perceptions of one another will make or break an event. A recent study from Wageningen University and Utrecht University in the Netherlands found that the presence of flowers had a very significant impact on participants’ judgments of people, especially those who were sitting or standing in direct proximity of florals. Assumed personality traits reported included friendly, adventurous, warm, and reliable. Having guests project any or all of these traits upon one another certainly sets the table for conversation and deeper engagement. This has favorable applications for social and business based events alike.

But one other interesting note came from the analysis. While all types of flowers used in the study positively affected how participants viewed others, non-odorous florals had the most positive influence on how participants expressed their projected feelings about individuals. This is likely due to the fact that not everyone appreciates certain scents, while others may suffer from mild allergies to some species. Collectively this supports the case for synthetic floral rentals over the alternative of buying fresh flowers for an event.

Florals Enhance Memory

The Rutgers and La Salle University studies referenced above also uncovered an unanticipated (to most) result that has direct applications for successful event design in both the social- and corporate-sphere. As it turns out, when flowers are integrated into a setting, those in attendance are likely to experience enhanced episodic memory. Episodic memory references explicitly stated or conjured human recollection of autobiographical events including time, location, associated emotions, and forms of contextual knowledge such as who, what, when, where, and why. Episodic memory is obviously important when it comes to social constructs, but the implications in the corporate event arena are especially clear. If your corporate client is putting on an event, be it a conference or networking occasion, a guest’s ability to recall important details is crucial to after-affair follow-up. Recollecting marketing messages, a conversation between B2B representatives, or simply recalling a positive emotion that was connected to an event hosted by a brand can go a long way towards building profitable relationships.

The science behind this expands beyond the fact that sights and smells are two senses proven to improve memory recall. Positive emotion which is induced by the introduction of flowers (as per item #1 above) also improves memory processes.

All in all, if you truly want to create a memorable event, it seems that flowers can literally make this happen.

Loungeworks’ design team includes some of the best floral designers in Vancouver has. As well, they have an extensive inventory of faux floral rentals available for your up and coming events. We can design and provide for the key pieces needed to build your own beautiful bouquets or can create the arrangements for youbuild large floral installations, table centrepieces, buffet displays and much more. We also offer botanical space partitions to further expand upon this concept. Contact us today to discuss your unique needs.